Guidance for every parenting moment

Whether you need tailored advice or shared learning, Mère Mentors offers expert-led support designed to empower you through every stage of parenthood.

One-on-one consults

Personalized support for your unique questions, challenges, and goals with our experienced pediatric nurse practitioners.

  • Feeding schedules

    Individualized sleep support

    Introducing solids (allergen introduction & baby led weaning)

    Positive discipline (temper tantrums, bedtime battles, age appropriate expectations, biting, & more)

    Potty training plan

    Umbilical stump care

    Circumcision care

1:1 Consult: $150 (1 hr) / $75 (30 min)

Group classes

Join our monthly sessions to dive into topics like newborn care, introducing solids, or positive discipline strategies.

  • January Group Session

    Topic: Finding Sleep Schedules
    Date: TBD
    Time: 7:30 PM

Group Class: $30 per person (1 hr)


Mère Mentors provides personalized and group support to help you confidently navigate parenting’s most challenging chapters.


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